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香港新聞網11月18日電 香港特區行政長官李家超今日(18日)在社交平台發文表示,APEC會議期間,很高興與印尼總統佐科維多多進行了會面。我首先恭喜印尼剛剛成功舉辦了2022年二十國集團(G20)峇里島峰會,之後我們就共同關心的議題交流意見。 隨著香港重返國際舞台,期待香港與印尼之間有更多交流和合作,以加強我們的貿易、投資、文化和人民之間的聯繫。 (圖源:李家超臉書) During the APEC 2022, I had the pleasure of having a meeting with the President of Indonesia, Mr Joko Widodo. I first sent my congratulations to Indonesia on successfully hosting the 2022 G20 Bali summit. We also exchanged views on issues of mutual interest. As Hong Kong is now back on the global stage, I look forward to many more exchanges and deeper cooperation with Indonesia to reinforce our trade, investment, cultural ties and human connection. 【編輯:王瑶】